Thank you for your interest in presenting papers for the "Oculoplastic Without Borders-V" Congress of the Pan American Oculoplastic Society.

The Scientific Committee of the Congress invites all its members to complete the registration process and send the summaries of oral presentations, posters and videos that will be exhibited within the framework of the Congress.

It is important to comply with the dates and guidelines indicated below to ensure that they are received promptly and conveniently. The authors must complete all the required sections and verify that the material to be sent complies with the required guidelines. The incomplete completion of the presentation process will not allow the reception of the material and therefore it cannot be considered to participate.


For abstracts of oral presentations, posters and videos, the registration opening date is July 15, 2022 at 8:00 am (GMT-6) and its end date is December 30, 2022. at 11 pm (GMT-6).

Download the instructions for presentation of oral works, posters and videos.
